I love guns. As much as I love guns, I hate what they can do in the wrong hands. However, I refuse to lay down and be punished for the actions of those wrong hands. If some crazed idiot started screwing peoples front doors shut with a Makita so they eventually died of starvation, why would it make sense to start a campaign to ban cordless drills? Sounds stupid, huh? As much as that might be an apples to oranges comparison, it still illustrates the parallels and absurdity people resort to when confronted with the wrong people using legal tools immoraly.
I think it's all fine and dandy to dream of a world without gun violence, but when did that dream become getting rid of all guns? "But Jason, guns were designed to kill!" Yeah, and cars weren't. Yet they take more lives than the gun violence any day of the year. Maybe it's the violence you have a problem with. I'm sorry, but society in general hasn't found an answer to that. Until they do, as an American who is protected in the Bill of Rights, I will arm and defend myself. I'm not a part of the problem, and taking my guns away isn't going to keep them out of the hands of those who can acquire them illegally, and use them for illicit purposes.
So, now that my rant is over, back to the story and the crux of the problem. It seems the Anti's (God bless their misguided broken hearts) want to boycott Starbucks this coming Valentines Day, Thursday, February 14th. Why? Because the "powers that be" at my favorite coffee house believe in preserving peoples rights, and allow law abiding gun owners to openly carry in their stores. That's hard to do here in CA since we're so 2nd Amendment backwards anyway, but you other states, you magically can. Bravo to them. It seems the misguided ones feel that Starbucks is bowing to the "NRA agenda" (Giving baby's guns and blowing up kittens, I think.), and want to show their disapproval by organizing a boycott. Here's a link to one site.
So as a law abiding gun owner, what can you do? As one bankrupt company slogan went, "Make it a blockbuster night"....or day. This Valentine's Day go to your local Starbucks and spend a little more than you usually would. Buy that coffee bag for the troops. Reload that Gold Card you always seem to leave with a zero balance. Buy a Bearista plush for a loved one. The list goes on. Heck, spend a small mint. It's worth it to show the 1% 'ers up in that Seattle corporate office that, even though some may feel they're responsible for the Great Recession, we're still grateful they support our fundamental rights. Show the Anti's you're proud to be a law abiding gun owner and help turn their boycott into a dismal failure.
Shoot safely,
Jason, aka TheExpertish
It is important that person who wants to buy a gun should have legal license, not have any crime record, mental instability or account of domestic violence.
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